Journal // 8th May 2024

On this day I…

Waking up early has become easier than waking after an afternoon kip. The idea of moving, getting up, interacting with the world after a short (90 minutes - 60 minutes too long) kip.

All those carbs and electrolytes and yet, I still don’t have the energy not to have an afternoon kip (Kip = Nap. For you Americans).

Today’s workout went okay, about 90% of what I hoped for. I need to get this set up in the garden, I nearly dropped the barbell during the bench press and getting under it for squats isn’t easy.

I haven’t done a hard workout since January so my body isn’t used to the punishment. Give me time.

Going from Carnivore to a higher-carb diet has reminded me of a few things. Most notably, even with a little bit of fibre and a lot of carbs, I fart like a chemical weapons factory.

About 6 hours after my first meal (between 12:00 - 13:00) I’m dropping bombs every 10 minutes or so.

I can feel it percolating, moving. If I could see farts, I’d be blind right now.

That’s enough arse-talk.

Here are some photos I took today.

I’m a Professional Photographer who dabbles in Writing and Documentary Film Making.

I’ve recently quit my job of three and a half years as a Bartender/Manager. Photography began as a hobby and quickly became a passion.

I’m a Professional Photographer, Filmmaker, Writer/Author and this website is where I’m going to document all of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Event Portfolio

Street Portfolio



Becoming Peak Human…


Journal // 7th May 2024